I used to
blog seven times per week. Now I only blog once a week. And you know what? My
traffic has gone up. I went from 800,000 visitors a month in January all the
way up to 1.6 million visitors a month. In less than a year. So how'd I get
this big traffic growth? I blogged less.
Hey everyone, I'm today I'm going to share with you
how you can grow your traffic by blogging less. Here's the thing that I learned
about blogging. It's not about how much content you're producing. Yes, the more
text you have, the more keywords, the more pages that can rank in Google. But
here's the thing that most people don't tell you. Just because you write more
content, it doesn't mean that you're going to get more traffic. More content
doesn't mean that Google's magically going to place you at the top of search
You got to promote that content. But you know what?
If you wrote one article every single day, how much time would you have to
promote your articles? I don't know about you, but probably little to none.
Sure, if you have a huge marketing team, yeah you can spend a ton of time on
promotion. But if you yourself are the one blogging, and you spend two, three,
four, or five hours a day blogging, you're going to be burned out. You're not going
to market your content, you're just going to be like, alright I wrote it, now
it's up, let's see how much traffic I'm going to get.
So if you look at my analytics traffic, you'll see
that there are huge spikes every Tuesday. Why is this? Because I release a blog
post on Tuesdays. Now sometimes I may change it to Mondays, sometimes I may do
Wednesdays, but in general I'm only blogging once a week. And when I'm blogging
once a week, the reason I'm getting so much more traffic, sometimes 90 plus thousand
visitors in one single day, is because I'm spending more time marketing my
content than I am writing it. So here's my process on how you can get more
traffic by blogging less.
(1)First Tip
The first thing I recommend to you, is to send out
emails. So every time I release a blog post, I send out emails to my whole
list, letting them know my blog post has just came out and how it can help
them. This is one of the easiest ways I get more traffic If I send out a email
blast seven times a week because if I was blogging daily, people are going to
be like, whoa , you're spamming us. This is overwhelming, stop emailing me. But
now that I blog less, not only am I able to email my list, but they're
appreciative. They're like, thank you for sending the email. They really help
me. It made my day. I get messages like that all the time.
If you don't know how to collect emails, use a free
tool called HelloBar.com you can collect emails from your website, and
then every time you have a blog post, you can notify every single one of those
email list members, hey, my new blog post is up. And just don't send a simple
email like, hey John, check this out, this is my latest blog post. Send a
customized email, put in the subject line the name of your blog post, and your
email to the people should go over what you discuss in the article, how it can
help them, and where they can check it out.
(2) Second Tip
The second tip I have for you, is to use Subscribers.com.
A subscriber is push notification software, it's free, there's no premium
plans, it's just fully free. And what it does is when someone's coming to your
website from a browser, whether it's Chrome, Safari, Firefox, it allows them to
subscribe to your blog using browser notifications. Then whenever you release a
blog post, using Subscribers you can send them a message letting them all know
that your blog post has come out, and through their browser, they'll get a
notification. They can click on it, they can go back to your website. This
little simple hack using Subscribers gets me over 40 thousand visitors a month.
They're not all unique visitors because I have a lot
of subscribers and they keep coming back, but that's still 40 thousand plus
visitors a month. When you write a blog post you naturally are using stats and
data to back up your point. If you aren't, you should consider using them,
'cause it'll help anchor you as the expert in the industry. When using all
these stats and data and you're linking to these sites, send out an email. But
when you send them an email saying hey, I mentioned you, I really love your
content, thank you for creating it, there's a good chance, over a 10% chance,
and anywhere usually from 10 to 30% that you're going to get people to share
your content on the social web. It's that simple.
(3)Third Tip
The next strategy I have for you is to use Buzzsumo.
Using Buzzsumo you can type in keywords related to your article, see
what other relevant articles is out there that are similar, click the view
shares button and you can see all the people that shared similar content. You
can then email them; you have to do some Google searches to find their email.
And you can email them and say like, Hey Curtis, I know you shared out X, Y and
Z article by author A, B, and C. I have a similar article that just came out;
you can check it out here. Cheers.
It's another
simple approach to get more traffic. As you can see a lot of these tactics that
I'm talking about take time. I'm not saying it's easy to get more traffic, but
you can get more traffic if you blog less, because you can spend all this time
promoting your article.
(4)Fourth Tip
The last tip I have for you, is to work on your
headlines. Everyone thinks if you write the longest and the best blog post, you
get the most traffic. And that is true, good content helps you get more
traffic. But here's an interesting stat for you. Eight out of 10 people will
read your headline but only two out of 10 people will click through and read
the rest of your article. So if you spend time making amazing headlines, you'll
get more traffic. And when you're thinking about headlines, just don't create
one headline for your blog post, create at least five if not 10 headlines.
Then pick the one that's the most appealing. Look
for headlines that are around five to seven words, around six is ideal. If it's
longer it's going to be too long and it'll get cut off from the Google search
listings. If it's too short, it's not descriptive enough for people to know
what your articles about. In addition to keeping it around that length, you
want your headlines to evoke curiosity. For example, if I was writing a article
on green tea, my headline may be like, the seven benefits of green tea, number
six will shock you. I know that headline's a bit long, but you get the point
I'm trying to make, I'm trying to invoke curiosity. I'm like, wait, number six
is going to shock me? What is number six? And by doing those kinds of things,
more people are going to click through and want to read the rest of your
headline. So if you want to get more traffic, don't just spend more time
blogging, spend more time on the marketing than blogging.
That doesn't mean you can write mediocre content
that means the content you write has to be really amazing. But you should spend
even more time than whatever you did writing it, promoting the article. Use the
80 20 rule. If you spend a hour writing the article, spend four hours promoting
it. Thanks for reading, make sure you subscribe, like, comment and share.
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