How To Increase Post Reach On Facebook Page

How To Increase Post Reach On Facebook Page

Facebook keeps changing their algorithm. When Facebook first came out, and you would post a status update or a link, every single one of your friends or fans would see it. Then over time, they decided to only show the fans that were super engaged that they said wanted to see your content. And over time it became less and less. Now it's even to the point where if you put a link to your website it won't do as well compared to if you just kept people on Facebook.

Hey everyone, today I'm going to teach you how to recover you’re dying Facebook traffic. Even though Facebook has changed their algorithm, it doesn't mean that you can't get traffic from them. Sure it's not as easy as it was before, but it still is possible.

For example,

(1)The first tip I have for you, and I got this from , Brian Dean, when you're putting a Facebook status update or talking about a new article that you have on your website tell people,

Hey, check out the first comment; "if you click through I have something for you.

So for example, if I'm posting an article that teaches you how to go from page two to page one of Google, I can leave a really long description in my status update on Facebook and then like, "If you want more, check out the first comment; "I've linked to a article that teaches you "how to get more of this traffic." Now, Facebook's not going to penalize me for putting a link, because I didn't put it in the status update; I put it in the first comment, which was me.

(2)The next tip I have for you is to make sure you're engaging with your audience on Facebook before you promote your website. For example, even though I'm promoting my website, a day or two before I may post a quote, a testimonial, that gets really people hooked, maybe a testimonial from Elon Musk talking about, you know, what point is there living, you know, if we're only relying on the earth. I'm making up the testimonial; technically it's more of a quote, but I'm making it up, and you get the point: by putting something that's appealing, that people can resonate with, then you're going to get a lot of engagement.
The more engagement you get, then when you post status updates linking to your website, you're going to get much more traffic. Because what Facebook's doing is, they're looking at how much engagement are you getting from your fans. So then when you post links to your website, like, "Oh, a large portion of your fanbase is engaged, "even though you posted a link to your website, "we should show it to the audience "because a lot of them are engaged."

(3)The third tip I have for you is to boost your posts. I'm not saying you should boost your posts because you want to give Facebook money; I'm saying you should boost your boosts, ideally your best ones, because it ensures that all of your fans are seeing it. See if you have a lot of inactive fans, and you get more of them engaged because you boosted your posts to ensure that all your fans are seeing your content, what Facebook's going to do is like, "Oh wow, more of the fans that like this content. "Even though we haven't shown them your last 10 posts, "because you've boosted this one "we have no choice but to show them to 'em "because you've paid us money, "and now that they're engaging, "maybe we should show them your next post "even if you don't boost it."

And that's why I boost my page, and my posts. It allows more of my audience who's not engaging to see my content; it gives them a chance to engage which then gets me way more traffic to my site. The last tip I have for you is engage using Facebook Messenger. There's an amazing tool out there called MobileMonkey.

What MobileMonkey allows you to do is get your website visitors, and people on Facebook through your fan page, to engage with you. Once they engage with you through chat, you can end up sending them a notification every time you have a new blog post that comes out or a article or you want to drive them to your website. What I found is, every time I push a message out through Facebook Messenger, I'm not only getting a high open rate, but if I send a message out to 100 people on Facebook, I'm getting over 60 of them to click through to my website. Yes I have a lot of unsubscribed where people don't want me to communicate with them through Facebook Messenger again, and everyone has that. That's okay; the people who stay on your list are going to be long, diehard fans and they're going to keep clicking through and going to your website.

But just don't promote to them through Facebook Messenger, also have conversations with these people, help 'em out. It's social media; it's not all about talking about your business, it's also about helping out the other person. So if you leverage those tips, even though Facebook's algorithms are getting harder and harder, they're also creating new ways for you to get more traffic; you've just got to get a little creative. Follow them, you'll do well.

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